Information in English

International aspect

For many years we have sought knowledge abroad. Covid19 put a stop to us going abroad, but now we are back on track. 


Our school building

The school is situated in the Høddvoll area and is the next-door neighbour to the Høddvoll football stadium. Our classes take place both in our own building and in Ulsteinhallen (integral with Ulstein vgs).

The education programme Sports and physical education has its physical classes in Ulsteinhallen, Ulsmohallen and on Høddvoll stadium, as does the common core subject Physical education.

The education programs we offer

We do both vocational and general studies.

  • Specialization in general studies (link to English explanation)
  • Supplementary program for general university admissions certification - when you have had two years of vocational education and want to be able to go straight to the university, without the craft certificate
  • Sports and physical education (link to English explanation)
  • Electrical engineering and computer technology (link to English explanation)
  • Sales, service and tourism (link to English explanation)
  • Information technology and media production (link to English explanation)
  • Technical and general studies - a 4-year program, leading both to a craft certificate and general university admissions certification
  • Adapted course - a class for the pupils who are in need of more adaptation

The number of classes/students

This schoolyear (2024-2025) there are:

  • 9 classes of Specialization in general studies 
  • 1 class Supplementary program for general university admissions certification 
  • 6 classes Sports and physical education
  • 3 classes Electrical engineering and computer technology
  • 3 classes Sales, service and tourism
  • 2 classes Information technology and media production
  • 1 class Adapted course

All in all, approximately 550 pupils.

A normal school day

A school day starts at 08:20 and ends at 15:15.

Some school years ago (2020-2021) we changed our timetable, so that we now have fewer subjects per day and therefor longer sessions in each subject.

Some days we only have one subject; in addition, the timetable will vary for each week.

A few subjects will be taught only during autumn, others only during spring, to be able to settle into and immerge into each subject.

A Class teacher for everyone

All pupils have their «own» class teacher. Teacher and pupil are to keep close contact, especially concerning illness/absence and of course other types of important information for the wellbeing of the pupil. The class and class teacher meet up every week. At least twice a year each pupil and the class teacher talk about school, subjects, class environment and well-being.


Ulstein vgs has two pupil counsellors with fixed schedule, situated on the ground floor. In addition, we can offer talking to a public health nurse/school psychologist mostly every day. Most Tuesdays a counsellor from the educational and psychological counselling service (EPCS) is present.

The public health nurses have their office next door to the counsellors. The EPCS counsellor has an office by the entrance by Kunnskapstreet (our beautiful orange tree of knowledge, made of metal piping).

When it comes to choosing subjects it is also possible to talk to anyone in the management, especially the three heads of subjects. 

Statens Lånekasse

Pupils can apply for grants and loans in Statens Lånekasse. All pupils have the right to receive grants for course materials. To apply you either have to have accepted your school place on and can use their webpage to log in OR you can apply directly through Use the codes from MinID sent to you by Skatteetaten (The Norwegian Tax Administration). You will also find more detailed information on

The reception/office

Our reception/office is open between 08:15-15:30; you will find it on the first floor (near Ulsteinhallen). You will also find the school management there.

Our library

Our school library is on the first floor together with Landskapet (where people work on subjects, play chess, talk, read…). The librarian is there every day to help you out.

Our library is no different from other libraries: You will find books, newspapers, and magazines there. Every pupil gets their own private card (which can be used nationwide). The library is also where you will find the books needed for each subject.

The canteen

Quite often around lunch time, you will experience a long line of people. Why? Because the food is so good!
You can for instance buy sandwiches, hot dishes, salads, fruit, or something to drink. You will find it near the main entrance, in connection with the atrium.

Our cleaners and janitors

We have 5 cleaners, 1 technical operator and 1 operating technician. They are here when everyone else is here, they are a major part of the environment at school.

The cleaners are here to tidy and wash, the rest of us must do our share and clean up after ourselves, so that we all have a good, clean, and tidy physical environment.

Rules and regulations

All upper secondary schools in our county have a common set of rules and regulations, in which you find the rights and the tasks of pupils. In addition, the school has classroom rules, rules for book loans, for absence and the use of ICT.


The use of smoking, snuff, or drugs in school or on its premises is not allowed. Since July 1, 2014, pupils are not allowed to smoke or use snuff during school hours, whether they are on site or not. Exempt from «School hours» are leisure time or free periods where pupils are not in the proximity of the school.

Books/laptops/teaching material

It is a condition for being a pupil at our school that they use a laptop. We also recommend pupils to make use of the county offer (Information on PC agreement).

The county has made an information video on the different systems we use, you can see it here through this youtube link.

It is imperative to have the laptop ready as soon as possible, preferably when starting school in august. School books are lent to pupils, and not necessary to be bought. Updated information will be found here, in our homepage.


This year we have one ICT consultant and one apprentice. You will find the ICT-office by the atrium, opening hours on the door. Pupils are free to ask the apprentice or the consultant for help and instructions in software and computer equipment.


Ulstein vgs has four areas for parking. Two of the areas (east of the school) are for employees only. Pupils have access to the parking by Høddvoll Panorama (just a staircase away from the school) The school has this area at our disposal during school hours/ the school year.


At Ulstein vgs, we believe in teamwork, trust and mutual respect between the pupils and the people working here. The pupils play the lead and are responsible for their own learning and development, while the employees are teachers, helpers, and counsellors.