
På Ulstein vgs har vi reist med Sal, service og reiseliv i nokre år allereie. No blir det utvida til både Studiespes og Idrett


Fylket har skrive om korleis vi jobbar, både i fylket og på dei vidaregåande skulane når det gjeld samarbeid over landegrensene.


Information in English:
There has always been a international aspect in our teaching. This has of course mostly been seen when teaching foreign languages.

Lately, we have expanded our scope, from offering trips abroad to the pupils from Specialization in general studies to offering trips abroad to whichever program finds it useful.

We have been travelling with our vocational program Sales, service and tourism for a couple of years now. 

We visited a school in Amsterdam with our oldest pupils, which was a success and will be repeated. 

Now we are planning on travelling with our Spanish and German pupils. So there are things happening!